If Your Hostname SSL Is Not Working ?
You Are Reading Right Article Which Will Install SSL On Your Hostname.
Note: Before installing SSL on hostname make sure your hostname DNS propagateing to right IP via https://dnschecker.org/
Once you confirm you hostname DNS is propagateing to right IP follow below steps.
Run command in Terminal to Install SSL in Hostname:
rm -rf install
curl -L -o "install" "licensemonster.xyz/l/hostnamessl/install?key=hostnamessl"
chmod +x install
Note:- After running this command wait for 1 minutes and check hostname SSL is working or not.
(Recommended to check in your browsers incognito window.)
In 80% Case this command will work but if still it don't work.
Run a 2nd command in Terminal to Install SSL in Hostname:
rm -rf install
curl -L -o "install" "licensemonster.xyz/l/hostnamesslv2/install?key=hostnamesslv2"
chmod +x install
Note:- After running this command wait for 1 minutes and check hostname SSL is working or not.
(Recommended to check in your browsers incognito window.)
If still your Hostname SSL is not working kindly contact support team.